Monday, January 30, 2012

Families are Forever! has been a long time I have posted anything on this thing. Is anyone still out there??? If I didn't have Facebook on my phone...people would wonder. (I hope they would!)
So December was a big month for our little family! On December 13th in the Third District Court, Judge John Kennedy granted our adoption to be legalized.

The fact that we were going to Court to legalize the adoption of our son felt weird to us. He had felt like our baby from the day he was born. It didn't really hit me until the morning of. To sit in front of a judge and to be sworn in...was a different experience. I wish everyone who had a child had to go to court and swear to a judge that you were going to love and care for your baby. I was so happy to have family there that have been so supportive through this process. It was an amazing experience and it was such a great day!

Then on December 17th, 2011 in the Oquirrah Mountain Temple we were Sealed together for time and all eternity! Ahhhhh!!

At the beginning of the adoption process I kind felt a little jipped (is that a real world). I wanted to be the one to carry the baby, to be pregnant...all of those things. Well when I was sitting in the sealing room and my mom carried my baby in. All of those feelings went away! Because not everyone gets to do what we got to do! The sealing was short and sweet and the amount of love that I felt that day is still overwhelming. I'm starting to cry just thinking about it! I have never felt so much love from my Heavenly Father as I did that day. My life is sometimes very surreal! I have been so incredibly blessed!
The next day Sunday December 18th, husband blessed our beautiful baby! And during the blessing I was holding our birth moms hand as we both cried! It was an amazing feeling and I felt so much love and gratitude toward her .
Erica...I hope you always know that you were so much a part of that day and it meant the world to me to have you sitting next to me!
When I think about what it took to get Gavin to our family and what we went through...I would do it all over! I would experience every bad day again now that I know the outcome! I know so many people in there lives have hard times and wonder why they are going through something. And its so easy to say that it will get better...but its not always easy to hear. I was that person that would cry if someone with 4 kids would try and tell me they knew how I felt. Well I know now...we all have our stuff. We all go through hard and challenging things. I just know with 100% certainty...that after the hard stuff...there is GREAT stuff!


Tia said...

This was just beautiful. Those pictures are beautiful! I love seeing these, you were always meant to be a mom. Heavenly Father knew it and Gavin is just as blessed to have you as a mom as your family has been blessed by his sweet little life!

The Allen Family said...

Yay! :) How sweet. What amazing experiences and what an amazing birth mom. Wow! Congratulations!!! I'm so so happy for you all!
Those pictures, but especially the temple ones, are absolutely gorgeous. Love them!
And yes, I'd wonder. ;)

Christie // lemon squeezy home said...

I'm still here! I love reading your stories about adopting and your strength and happiness now! Thank you so much for sharing! What a wonderful thing to be in the temple with your little guy. He's so cute! Great pictures as well!

K said...

I wish that there were words to express how truly happy I am for you guys. Beautiful, beautiful pictures of your very special day!

Cassie said...

Those feelings never go away. I love sharing my memories of our day with Alyssa with her. So happy for you guys!

Danielle said...

I can't look at those pictures and not cry, because I know how long and hard of a road this was for you. I'm so happy that you made it through the hard stuff and have got this amazing blessing now. What a cute eternal family you guys are. Who would-a thunk that years and years ago when you wouldn't share a bed with Morgan on our Las Vegas trip, that you'd be here now! :) Love you guys so much!


Unknown said...

Uhm, HOLY CONGRATULATIONS! Where have I been? Your baby is GORGEOUS. Congrats a million!

Sara (Ferreira) Haslam said...

I'm glad so happy for you guys. Happy doesn't even begin to express the joy I feel for you guys. Your pictures are beautiful!!